Filming Policy
USE OF THE COMMON AREAS FOR FILMING, PHOTOGRAPHS AND VIDEO A. Commercial Purposes: The taking of film video or photographs in common areas for commercial purposes is prohibited except with the approval of the Balencea Committee of Management. Approval will be given if the Balencea Committee of Management determines, at its discretion, that there is a substantial benefit to the building (or a majority of the residents thereof) or if exceptional circumstances exist. B. Non-commercial Purposes: The taking of film video or photographs in common areas for non-commercial use is permitted subject to the approval of the Balencea Committee of Management. Approval will be granted if such activity does not substantially interfere with the use of the building or its amenities, the determination of which is at the discretion of the Balencea Committee of Management. Permission may be granted, at any time, by the Building Manager for the taking of film video or photographs in common areas for non-commercial purposes where, at the discretion of the Building Manager, there is minimal interference with the use of the building or its amenities. C. Approval Requests for approval must be submitted to the Building Manager not later than 7 days prior to the proposed event. If permission is granted, including conditional permission, the Building Manager will inform the applicant and post a notice informing all residents of the timing and nature of the event at least 2 days prior to the event. |